This has been an amazing couple of weeks, genealogically speaking. Not only have I found more ancestors, I found a new cousin!! Unbeknownst to be, Ancestry had just added information from local Pennsylvania churches to their database. At the same time a lady named Linda contacted me thru Ancestry telling me that one of my maternal aunts was her grandmother. We immediately started exchanging info and she was the one who told me that there was info on my great grandfather, Reuben Lake Miller's, parents. I was sooo excited because that's been the last brick wall for that generation.
Based on church information, we discovered that Reuben's parents were William and Kezia Lattig Miller. The funny part is how many different ways Kezia's name is spelled on different documents. One census even spelled it "Theresia".
It appears that the Millers are Irish and the Lattigs are Dutch. Both families have been in America since before the Revolution, mostly in Williams Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, which is near Easton. Of course more research and confirmation will need to be done, but it's so nice to have that brick wall broken down at last.
And the best part is that I have a new cousin who is just as interested in researching the family tree as I am.